Frequently Asked Questions


How does pricing work?

Each trip is priced based on the location, but includes accommodations, 5 days of WODs, breakfast, lunch, snacks, drinks and most dinners. We always leave a few free nights for dinner to explore the area. Transportation to / from the named airport is included on the retreat arrival and departure days.

Pricing is based on double occupancy, and limited single accommodations will be available for a premium.

Activities will be arranged but are optional, and for those that require a fee (ex. SCUBA diving), you’ll pay that directly to the tour company.

My friend doesn’t know what a WOD is. Can s/he come?

Absolutely! However, your friend won’t be able to join the WOD at the box, as the coaches don’t have the bandwidth to teach movements, unfortunately.

Do I have to WOD every day?

Absolutely not! As at home, this is your fitness.

Is there open gym included in the pricing?

We do our best to find boxes that will accommodate your having access to open gym times, but can’t guarantee this at all locations.

Can you accommodate dietary restrictions?

Yes, we will do our best to accommodate any dietary needs. Please contact us.